Poetry Portraits – A Gift of a Lifetime

Customized Poems For Special Loved Ones

For those who want to reserve your portrait for the holidays, make contact as soon as possible. These one-of-a-kind gifts take time to sculpt.

Poetry Portraits are pieces of art sculpted by award-winning writer James Anthony Ellis. Yet this art is not created out of clay, or ink and canvas, but rather words of poetry. It’s as if you are hiring an artist to paint a portrait of your loved one, only this portrait is in the form of poetry, with sentiments that come directly from you. If you have a loved one who is having a birthday, or if you are celebrating an anniversary … and you are simply tired of all the worn-out ideas for special gifts … then a Poetry Portrait is for you.

Surprise your father, mother, daughter, son, husband, wife, city council member, anyone, with a customized piece of poetry written with your sentiments by an award-winning writer.

  1. Contact Jim Ellis for pricing and availability HERE
  2. Set up an interview with Jim, and share memories and answer questions about your loved one.
  3. Send in 3 – 6 pictures of your loved one.
  4. Receive a customized poem in a PDF document, designed impeccably with your photos.
  5. Gift your loved ones the most memorable treasure, since it’s created through your own sentiments and memories.
    NOTE: Imagine parents or grandparents receiving a gift from their own child or grandchild. Jim can facilitate interviews with kids in order to sculpt a one-of-a-kind piece of prose, using their own childlike language.  


LINK – Jack Rutledge gift for his wife Colleen for Valentine’s Day.

LINK – A piece of prose written for Jennifer by her dog Hennessy (Yes, it’s true)

LINK – For Willy Holt’s mother, as told by Willy to Jim.

Bryce Honstead Opens His Gift from the kids:


An Audio Version of “It’s Great to be Alive” for my Father

Audio Player

Read It Here







An Audio Version of “Moments in Time” for Belinda and Jim

Audio Player

Read It Here



“I am crying, this is so good!!!!!!!!!!  I’m so excited about giving her this. I’m really really excited. It’s awesome. I haven’t been this excited about a gift in … ever I think.”     – Todd


Lori and Todd – poetry in motion.

“Thank you Jim Ellis… this is a masterpiece that will always be treasured. Best gift ever!”  – Lori

“I always wanted to write something for my mom, but I just couldn’t get through the barrier to get it done. That was until Jim Ellis supported me with this. His poem touched my mother’s heart. It was an amazing gift for me to be able to give to my mother. I recommend it for any man who has an important woman in his life. In fact, everyone should get one of these.”  –  Chris

“I read the revision today on the job. It’s f*&%ing awesome. U really are talented aren’t you? Thanks my brother. She saw it 10 minutes ago. Called me almost crying. Thumbs up.”   – Tim

“Thanks Jim she loved it.  It took her a while to read through all her tears.” – John

“Jim Ellis is an artist, let’s make that point clear. He has this rare gift with his deep intuitive understanding for another person. His penchant for writing let me know the quality of his empathy for my experience, that his level of compassionate understanding of me is deep. His writing rang so true for me, that he wrote from MY point of view and expressed my feelings for others better than I certainly can. His ability to articulate from a deep and emotionally significant place is astonishing.”   – Justin

“If you’d like a very unique gift to give to a loved one, consider a Poetry Portrait from James Anthony Ellis at Legacy Productions. Jim takes time to find out the details about the subject and puts his creative skills to work to come up with a wonderful item that is a “perfect” gift. I got one for my wife of 34 years for Valentine’s Day and she loves it. The gift went over so well and is so treasured that I’m going to give my daughter one for her birthday. If you want to give a gift that is treasured for years to come, make it a Prose Portrait from Legacy Productions!”   – Jack

Jen and Jim,
“I am blown away. I have never received such an incredible gift … ever. Coming from my incredible daughter makes it all that more important. I am in tears and very emotional. I can’t wait until morning when I can show this to everyone. I think this is an amazing idea and people are crazy if they don’t take advantage of this. This is a real gift, not candy, full of sugar to kill you and flowers that are half dead the day they arrive. Mine is framed in a very special location when you enter the front door. Bless you both.”   – Love, Dad

“I’m crying like a baby! If I could only send it to her. Superb – 100% amazing!”   – Roger

“Mama’s day went very well, and the prose went over very well!!!!! Mom cried and read it all more when she got home. Great job my brother!!!!”  –  Rick

“That poem is unbelievable. The more I read it, the more beautiful it becomes. It touches so many parts and times of our lives. I don’t believe I could honor my mother in a better way. It really talks to the great person and mother she is.  I still can’t read it without crying. People who can get these and don’t are crazy.”  – Willy Holt


Willy Holt’s mother holding “Always There”

“Thanks for this Ellis. I wanted you to know this was a huge hit today. I appreciate the hard work and creativity that you brought to bear to make this special.”     – Wes

“You definitely have a beautiful gift. I read the prose and tears came to my eyes. I love it so much. I think it’s perfect. I read it like five times. I can’t get enough of it. I can’t wait to give it to my sisters. I am going to bring it to my father’s memorial so his entire family can read it.”     – Janel

“Wow emotional! I just got done reading your poem, and it’s the best. I think it’s freaking amazing, and I totally love it. They are going to cry … like i did when I read it. I can tell you spent a lot of time on it, and you’ve done your homework. Thanks so much. You ROCK.”    – Wendy

“I presented the prose gift with my siblings and the kids; we all were involved. It couldn’t have been better. Awesome. Not a dry eye in the house.”  – Steve



Willy Holt and father.

“My wife loved the poem.  Made me cry and was the best thing I could have given her because it was personal for her and full of memories about our life together.  She said to me, “How did you remember all of this?” Which says a lot about how great of job Jim did in putting my thought into words. Thanks again James Anthony Ellis.”  – Todd

That was excellent, excellent. I had time to sit down and listen to your delivery of the poem. Beautiful job. I love it. Marissa is going to love it. And yeah there’s no way I can read it at the party. I was crying just listening to your reading of it. Love you man. – Willy


“I teared up right away after I just started opening up the present. I quickly knew what it was since I’ve gotten a bunch of these for my loved ones.  It was so bitchin to know I was about to read an Ellis poem about ME! Fuck that was exciting. And my girlfriend had it written for me. So it also gave me an insight on how she feels about me. And the job I’m doing in the relationship. Doesn’t get much better than that bro! I was very in HONORED. Thank you!!” – Willy

Thank you Jim Ellis. You were a “special” part of making it super duper – What a blessing my poem is.” – K.F.

“For the Father’s Day poems, both my father and Fred were very touched. Wow that was really heartfelt. Appreciate your work, appreciate you.”– Marc

“Jim, these gifts are incredible. I gave several of these a few years ago, and the impact was amazing. They are one of the longest lasting and most meaningful gifts anyone could ever give to a loved one! Worth every penny and then some.” – Scott

“Ellis, this is probably the most beautiful gift I have ever received, and I sincerely thank you. I’m going to share it with my brother when he visits next week, in person. And, yes, I cried. He will too.”  – A.R.

“I just resent your poem about my mother to my brother. He just read it and says “Omg Andy, that poem hits the soul! ” ….. it still gets me in the chest every time, Ellis.”  – A.R.


A poem for a dad from three sisters.

Jim Ellis writes with such deep understanding of the truth and the feelings that come with it. At my father’s memorial, as Jim read the poem in person, I got to hear everything that I knew, all that was, and all the pain and love mixed into one. I have referred him to so many who have lost their family or friends inviting them to please let Jim write for you. You may have an uncle, an aunt or a neighbor who could be captured in tribute in this way. You may think of these things, however, when will you take the time to write what he or she did or meant to you? I am crying with happiness as I write this testimonial for Jim. He is a man I love. He is a man of honor and care. He is a man of vision and mission to write for you and yours. He captures your heart and puts it into script, as if it belongs in a movie that plays in your head, with the memory of love and all emotions that are stirred up as it is read. Thank you, Jim Ellis, for all that you are, and all that you do from the passion of writing and your ability to listen with care. – Bill Miller

“My family is the most precious thing in my life, and as a Christmas gift, I received an amazing gift. Jim created a masterpiece of memories and magic from the gibberish of four tiny humans. This piece of art instantly became one of my most valuable possessions for which I am eternally grateful! An Outstanding Job from a Great Writer and Artist!!”  – Bryce


Wendy and Jonah

(A poem was written by Jonah the Dog for Wendy through an interview by her husband Marc. Wendy was kind enough to offer this feedback.) “Jonah and I spoke today about how he found the process of working with you to produce my poem.  He said that you were a joy to work with.  You’re open-minded, and you have a good listening for what his heart wanted to express. He didn’t think he could possibly have done a better job of conveying his deepest feelings.  He deeply appreciated the time you took to work through his human translator.  He was overjoyed to feel my warm, loving response to his poem of love and devotion. Thank you again for working your magic for my Valentine’s gift.” – Wendy


“This is the second poem Jim has done for me, the first for my father, this latest one for a dear friend Jacques. It was again excellent. It was poignant and effective and well worth reading aloud in front of others.”  – Sandt

“Thank you again for all your work. My dad really loves his poem. He’s got it on the wall. He gets something new every time he looks at it.” – Aaron

“When the time came to find a truly special gift for my dad’s 80th birthday, I knew who to call: Jim Ellis. Friends had raved about his Poetry Portraits, how deeply they touched those lucky enough to receive them, how cherished they are by those telling their stories that Jim distills over the page. Each poem is like a souvenir of one’s Life, holding memories and impressions to enjoy long after the moment is gone. For a life well-lived, for a man well-loved, the Poetry Portrait Jim wrote was the perfect expression of our sentiment and appreciation of my dad. Jim is a master at interviewing his client, a careful listener, and a true artist in capturing the essence of a person. In my opinion, a Poetry Portrait can be one of the most significant gifts you could ever give to a loved one.” – Andy

“Jim wrote a poem for our dad that brought tears to his eyes. Jim was very patient with my additions. Also, going through all the times we had with our dad was a wonderful walk down memory lane.” – Sandt

“I just read Jim’s poem to my father and family for Father’s Day. What a wonderful way to acknowledge our Dad for everything he has done for us. It allowed all of us to touch on the sensitive areas in a graceful and gentle way. It brought the family closer together in an appreciation for where we come from. It was a spot weld moment and will be remembered for many years to come. Thanks Jim Ellis! If people only knew about this wonderful gift!!”  – Tim

TL Read1

Tim reads the final piece at family reunion.

TL Read4

Larry and sister Sandy moved to tears.

TL Read3

Reviewing closely the sculpted “art.”