Breadcrumbs, Vol. 2


Breadcrumbs, Volume 2 – Poems & Prose Found Along the Sacred Path


Available HERE and at Bookstores Everywhere.

Uplifting, engaging and enlightening poetry and prose dedicated to a spiritual journey, an awakening in mind, body, and spirit, as well as a shift from unconsciousness and darkness to awareness and light. A total of 108 poems that tell the arc of the hero’s story, from beginning to end, identifying all the gold and wisdom found along the way. Once again – as found in the Hansel and Gretel fairy tale – the analogy here is that I shall leave behind breadcrumbs along the path so there is a clear way back … hoping the birds don’t get to the clues first.



  1. Foreword – By Willy Holt 
  2. Preparing for the Journey – An Introduction 
  3. A Perfect Place to Start  
  4. The Fall – Struggles and Challenges  
  5. The Observed Life 
  6. The Turning Point 
  7. A Return to Beauty  
  8. Family Matters 
  9. For My Wife – Kiss, Kiss, Kiss
  10. For Our 4-Legged Friends 
  11. Farewell 
  12. Poetry Portraits – Gifts to Loved Ones
  13. Epilogue – Looking Down the Road
  14. About the Author


Be Uplifted and Inspired 

  • Enjoy the pieces that are set up impeccably with summary introductions.
  • Through poetry and prose, take a journey common to any hero – starting from the seed of perfection.
  • Traverse through the hard times and hard knocks life offers.
  • Recall the light guiding you beyond the barriers.
  • Watch in full bloom the seed that promised you the glory.
  • Pick up and read some inspiration – any page, at any time.


See What Wonder Is Behind These Images 





“Jim Ellis is an artist, let’s make that point clear. He has this rare gift with his deep intuitive understanding for another person. His penchant for writing let me know the quality of his empathy for my experience, that his level of compassionate understanding of me is deep. His writing rang so true for me, that he wrote from MY point of view and expressed my feelings for others better than I certainly can. His ability to articulate from a deep and emotionally significant place is astonishing.”
~ Justin LaBarge 

“Jim Ellis definitely has a beautiful gift. I read the prose and tears came to my eyes. I love it so much. I think it’s perfect. I read it like five times. I can’t get enough of it. I can’t wait to give it to my sisters. I am going to bring it to my father’s memorial so his entire family can read it.” 
~ Janel McCarthy

“My family is the most precious thing in my life, and as a Christmas gift, I received an amazing gift. Jim created a masterpiece of memories and magic from the gibberish of four tiny humans. This piece of art instantly became one of my most valuable possessions for which I am eternally grateful! An Outstanding Job from a Great Writer and Artist!!”
~ Bryce Honstead



James Anthony Ellis is an award-winning journalist, playwright, poet, and videographer who creates videos, books, and productions that bring understanding to “what’s really going on” in our society. An author of nine books, his first book, “Starting Point: A Guide to Metaphysics, the Golden Time and Love,” was initially published in 1989.  Owner of Legacy Productions since 2000, Ellis has produced twenty plays, 2 full documentaries, 100+ video productions and countless articles and columns. He can be reached at:



Available HERE and at Bookstores Everywhere.